Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why do we need to consider performance

Dear readers,

This is my first posting on "Performance", may be it is system's that we develop or may be it is our's to asses. There are lots of issue that may come with mission critical applciations where we need to assure the performance of the system even before going to live. Unless we are confident enough on the performacne of the system we should not go for deleiver the system, as it might causess production issues where we loose our business.Below are the few of the practical reasons that we can take an example:

1. When an end user tries to access a particular page and the performance is poor then he could not talarate the performance of system and could have left the site instead of looking at the products available over there. For example, if you are having an email account with XYZ and tried to open the system to log in but is taking more time and have been made you to wait for a longer duration. You could not tolerate the performance of the sytem and might change your email account to other system where XYZ will loose its business.

2. Suppose there is an application for a reputed bank which handles the retail banking accounts connected to ATM machines. While many of the users are trying to access their accounts with thier ATM cards from different ATM machines, there may data loss due to poor performance of the system. some times ATMs might get hanged and the people may not prefer such a bank to have their transactions further more. Some times, the data also could not be get updated in the centralized data base.

If we continue to discuss like this there are lot more reasons where we need to be confirmed with the performance of an application or system before sending to live.

In the next posting we will discuss on how do we get the correct performance test requirements of system.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What for this blog is

Dear readers,

This blog is written to share my knowledge and experiance on performance testing and analysis. There are lots of people with expertise knowledge on these areas fo work and running lot more blogs from which I leanred during my stage of learning and I feel now its my turn to share my knowledge. I appreciate all who are having blogs through which they have been sharing their knwoledge for the people. I appolozize if there will are any mistakes like typo erros or gramatical errors, I request you all to let me know so that I can correct it.

Anandha Pudota